The Importance of Adding Water to Your Dog's Food


Ensuring your dog stays hydrated is crucial for their overall health. One effective way to boost their hydration is by adding water to their food. This practice benefits dogs on various diets, whether kibble, raw, or home-cooked. Let's explore the importance of hydrating your dog's meals. Before that though, its important to understand why water plays such a critical role in your dogs bodily functions.


The Role of Water in Your Dog’s Health

  • Nutrient Transport: Water helps transport nutrients throughout the body, ensuring cells receive the necessary components for optimal function.
  • Temperature Regulation: Adequate hydration helps regulate your dogs body temperature, preventing overheating.
  • Joint and Tissue Health: Water keeps joints lubricated and tissues hydrated, supporting overall mobility and comfort.


Hydrating Kibble

Traditional kibble is incredibly dry, often containing as little as 10% moisture. This dryness can lead to dehydration and digestive issues in dogs. By adding water to kibble, you can:

  • Improve Digestion: Water softens the kibble, making it easier for your dog to chew and digest.
  • Enhance Hydration: Increased moisture in their food helps maintain optimal hydration levels.
  • Reduce Bloating: Proper hydration can minimize the risk of bloating and other gastrointestinal issues.

For kibble-fed dogs, adding water is not just beneficial—it's essential. This simple step can significantly improve your dog's overall health and comfort.


Hydrating Raw and Home-Cooked Meals

Even if you feed your dog raw or home-cooked meals, adding water can provide additional benefits. These diets often contain more moisture than kibble, but they can still benefit from extra hydration:

  • Aid in Digestion: Water helps break down the food more effectively, aiding in nutrient absorption.
  • Increase Hydration: Enhancing the moisture content in their meals ensures your dog stays well-hydrated.
  • Support Kidney Function: Proper hydration is crucial for kidney health and helps prevent urinary issues.


How Much Water Per Day

To ensure proper hydration, a general guideline is to provide your dog with 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight daily. 

  • For a 10-pound dog: They need about 10 ounces of water daily. 
  • For a 30-pound dog: They need about 30 ounces of water daily. 
  • For a 60-pound dog: They need about 60 ounces of water daily. 

Adjust the amount based on your dog's weight and the number of meals they consume daily.

For example, our 2 dogs weigh roughly 40 and 50 pounds. We like to add around 4-6 ounces of water to their food come meal time. Between 2 meals we know they are consuming around 8-12 ounces of water each. Throughout the day they will consume the rest of the water they need from their water bowl. Keep in mind that our dogs eat a home cooked diet which has a much higher moisture makeup compared to kibble. A dog on a traditional kibble diet will be eating food with much lower moisture percentage and may require more water to hydrate their meals.


Our Personal Experience

At Furever Pup Club, we’ve seen the benefits of hydrating our dogs’ meals firsthand. Our two dogs, Savannah and Malibu, used to visit their water bowls frequently. Since we started adding water to their meals, they drink less from their water bowl because they’re getting hydration directly from their food. This change has made a noticeable difference in their overall health and energy levels.



Adding water to your dog’s food, regardless of their diet, is a simple yet effective way to enhance their hydration and digestive health. Whether your dog eats kibble, raw, or home-cooked meals, incorporating water can lead to significant health benefits. Make this small change today to ensure your dog enjoys a healthier, more hydrated life.